I did it! And although it was not a unanimous decision (I had one “I’m not sure” vote), I took the advice of the 19 other voters and I played hooky from work! I am in the small minority of women who HATE to do this, but I celebrated my day off by doing what any other woman would kill to do .... go SHOPPING. Yes, that is right, yours truly went shopping for leisure! No, I did not buy clothes or shoes. I did not buy jewelery or purses. I did not buy lipstick or eyeliner...or any cutesy wootsey itmes. I bought boat accessories and paint. Still counts, right?
West Marine in Canton, Baltimore |
Katy already had the day off from work, so I had her come along with me to the West Marine boating shop in Canton, Baltimore. She tried to convince me to buy a bass covered Hawaiian style shirt, but I knew what I was really there to buy. I wanted to purchase some cleats to give our baby a “real” boat look. West Marine provides so many options, but we went with our gut and what we thought would be best for our boat. I picked up few more things and we headed to Home Depot for some paint.
The cleat selection at West Marine |
I can’t tell you what color(s) we picked for our boat. I'll have to save that surprise for later. I can tell you, however, that we got 100% acrylic exterior paint. I can also tell you that no one was more shocked that we were building a boat than Dwayne, the guy who mixed our cans of paint. What I thought was going to be a quick trip to Home Depot turned into an hour long wait at the paint counter.
Katy checking out the Behr paints |
Me picking up our cans of exterior paint for Dwyane to mix |
Dwayne! |
I for one have not gotten into this Charlie Sheen craze (not even when it was a hot topic a month ago), but the employees in the Baltimore Home Depot paint department had to get in on the Sheen nonsense...they just had to. I’m not sure what this sign had to do with hardware or paint, but I guess it kept us amused while we waited around for forever.
A Charlie Sheen Goddess at Home Depot |
...they just had to |