When I first moved to DC, I was continuously working on the bungalow I call home. Day after day, night after night, I was getting my hands dirty. I bought an unfinished cupboard off of craigslist and finished it to match my kitchen. I even learned all there was to know about toilets because I was too stubborn and proud to call a plumber. (Eventually, I had to throw in the towel and call one. Creepy experience. I cleared my mind afterwards with some Kelly Clarkson music videos.) So after a few months, I had no pending projects. The bungalow was complete. And I had nothing to do.
One month Katy and I watched a lot of movies. (January is now Movie Month ..FYI.) So before this month actually began, we brainstormed themes for the month of March. I suggested we do home projects. (I was inspired to do things around the bungalow again after watching the HBO film Temple Grandin.) And so it was declared, March would be Project Month.

Among other tasks: my shower was in need of a new caulk job and Katy’s sink needed to be unclogged. We’re really going all out for Craft/Project Month, I know. (Seriously though, pulling out that old moldy caulk made me gag......that didn't sound right when I read those words aloud.) But we’ve taken care of these mundane chores, so now we can focus on the boat. Thank God.
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